Travel Town – Rid Of Pottery Wheel

📦🚫 Are you stuck with multiple pottery wheels in Travel Town and don’t know how to get rid of them? 🏞️ In this article, we’ll explore the solutions to the pottery wheel predicament. Discover how to clear up space in your town and optimize your gameplay. We’ll discuss the options available, including seeking assistance from the Travel Town team and providing helpful tips to prevent future duplicates. Let’s dive in and bid farewell to those excess pottery wheels! 🔄✨

How To Get Rid Of Pottery Wheel In Travel Town?

How To Get Rid Of Pottery Wheel In Travel Town: Unfortunately, the text does not provide a clear answer on how to get rid of pottery wheels in Travel Town.

Options for removing pottery wheels in Travel Town

If you find yourself with unwanted pottery wheels in Travel Town, there are several options available to help you get rid of them. Here are a few methods you can try:

1. Complete other quests first: If the pottery wheel quest is not essential for progressing in the game or obtaining a material crate, you can try postponing it and focusing on other quests. By doing this, you might increase the level of your pottery wheel, which in turn decreases the chances of receiving a broken one.

2. Contact the Travel Town team: If you have multiple pottery wheels that you cannot get rid of, reaching out to the Travel Town team for assistance can be a solution. In one instance, a player sent an email to the team explaining their situation, and they were able to remove two of the pottery wheels. This suggests that the support team might be able to help you out as well.

3. Look for in-game options: Although there is no dollar sign visible on the bar, it’s worth exploring the game’s interface to see if there are any options available for removing the pottery wheels. Sometimes, developers include specific features or actions to dispose of unwanted items, even if they are not immediately apparent.

Seeking assistance to remove pottery wheels in Travel Town

If you are struggling to get rid of pottery wheels in Travel Town, you are not alone. Many players have encountered this issue and have sought help to resolve it. One player even questioned why they had three pottery wheels, indicating that the problem of unwanted pottery wheels is quite common.

In such situations, it can be beneficial to reach out to the game’s support team or community forums for assistance. By sharing your problem with fellow players or contacting the developers directly, you can potentially find a solution or gain insights from others who have faced a similar issue.

A guide to getting rid of unwanted pottery wheels in Travel Town

When faced with unwanted pottery wheels in Travel Town, it can be frustrating not knowing how to remove them. To help you navigate this situation, here is a guide to getting rid of these unwanted items:

1. Assess the importance of the pottery wheel: Determine whether the pottery wheel quest is crucial for your progress in the game or if it’s only for obtaining a material crate. If it’s not essential, consider postponing it for the time being.

2. Prioritize other quests: Instead of focusing solely on the pottery wheel quest, divert your attention to completing other quests. By doing this, you might increase the level of your pottery wheel, which reduces the chances of receiving a broken one.

3. Contact the Travel Town team: If you have tried the above methods and still cannot get rid of the pottery wheels, consider reaching out to the Travel Town team. They may be able to assist you in removing the unwanted pottery wheels from your inventory.

4. Explore in-game options: Take a closer look at the game’s interface and settings to see if there are any hidden options for removing unwanted items. Developers often include features to dispose of unwanted items, even if they are not immediately obvious.


Q: Can I sell or trade my unwanted pottery wheels in Travel Town?
A: Unfortunately, it seems that selling or trading unwanted pottery wheels is not a direct option in Travel Town. However, by following the aforementioned methods, you can potentially get rid of them or seek assistance from the game’s support team.

Q: Why do I have multiple pottery wheels in Travel Town?
A: The presence of multiple pottery wheels in your inventory can be a result of various factors. It could be a bug in the game or a consequence of completing certain quests. If you find yourself with multiple pottery wheels, it is best to follow the methods mentioned above to remove them.


Dealing with unwanted pottery wheels in Travel Town can be frustrating, but there are options available to help you get rid of them. By prioritizing other quests, contacting the support team, and exploring in-game options, you can potentially find a solution to remove these items from your inventory. Remember, you are not alone in facing this issue, and seeking assistance from fellow players or the game’s support team can often lead to a resolution.

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