Travel Town – Joker

🎭🏘️ Are you struggling to make progress in Travel Town? Wondering how to make the most of the elusive Joker item? In this article, we’ll explore the various ways to obtain and strategically use Jokers to advance faster in the game. From merging with normal items to unlocking new items and completing challenging orders, we’ll cover it all. Plus, we’ll share tips on when and where to use Jokers for maximum benefit. So, grab your virtual passport and get ready to level up in Travel Town! 🌟

How To Use Joker In Travel Town?

How To Use Joker In Travel Town: The Joker can be merged with any normal item on the board to create the next level of that item, making it easier to complete orders and unlock new items. However, it cannot be merged with special items released during special events.

Understanding the Joker: A Wildcard Item in Travel Town

The Joker is a special and highly valuable item in the game Travel Town. It acts as a wildcard item that can be merged with any normal item on the board, allowing players to create the next level of that item. This feature proves to be extremely useful as it helps players advance faster in the game.

By merging the Joker with another item, players can easily complete orders, unlock new items, and make progress in the game. The Joker’s versatility and flexibility make it a sought-after item among players.

However, it’s important to note that the Joker cannot be merged with all items on the board, especially those unique items that are released during special events. Players should be mindful of this limitation when planning their merge strategies.

Ways to Obtain a Joker in Travel Town

There are several ways to obtain a Joker in Travel Town. These include:

1. Completing Challenging Orders: Players have the opportunity to win a Joker as a reward for successfully completing challenging orders. This encourages players to take on more difficult tasks and provides a sense of achievement when they are rewarded with this valuable item.

2. Event Chests: Players may also receive Jokers as part of event chests. These special chests are often obtained during limited-time events and offer various rewards to enhance the gameplay experience. Keeping an eye out for these events and participating actively can increase the chances of obtaining Jokers.

3. Promotions: Occasionally, Jokers may be given out as promotional rewards. These promotions can occur within the game or through external platforms. Players should stay updated with the latest news and announcements to take advantage of these opportunities.

4. In-Game Store: For those who can’t wait to get their hands on a Joker, the in-game store offers a potential solution. Players may find Jokers available for purchase in exchange for Diamonds, the premium currency in Travel Town. This option allows players to acquire Jokers immediately, but it comes at the cost of spending Diamonds.

Tips for Using the Joker Effectively in Travel Town

To make the most of the Joker in Travel Town, players should consider the following tips:

1. Strategic Merging: It is generally recommended to use the Joker on items that have a higher value or cost in the in-game store. By doing so, players can maximize the benefits gained from merging the Joker with these valuable items. Using the Joker on items with lower value may not yield significant advantages, making it less efficient.

2. Bookstore Collectibles: Players should save some Jokers for finishing the book collectibles in the game. These collectibles can be obtained by combining a pen and a max level notepad. The cost of the last few book collectibles can be quite high, ranging from 200 to 1000 gems. Using a Joker to assist in merging these costly items can be a wise investment.

3. Diamond Generation: Holding onto Jokers and using them strategically can help players generate more Diamonds. By completing daily goals that offer 2 Diamonds as a reward, players can merge four of these Diamond rewards and then use the Joker. This method allows players to multiply their Diamond earnings and make progress in the game.

4. Special Occasions: Since Jokers are considered valuable and limited items, players may choose to save them for special occasions or specific game objectives. By using Jokers on something unique or challenging, players can enhance their gameplay experience and achieve significant milestones.


Q: Can the Joker be merged with any item on the board?
A: The Joker can be merged with any normal item on the board, but it cannot be merged with special items released during special events.

Q: How can I obtain a Joker in Travel Town?
A: Jokers can be obtained by completing challenging orders, receiving them from event chests, participating in promotions, or purchasing them from the in-game store in exchange for Diamonds.

Q: Should I use the Joker on items with lower value in the store?
A: It is generally recommended to use the Joker on items that have a higher value or cost in the in-game store, as this allows players to maximize the benefits gained from merging the Joker.


The Joker is a valuable wildcard item in Travel Town that can greatly assist players in advancing faster in the game. By understanding its capabilities and limitations, players can effectively use the Joker to complete orders, unlock new items, and achieve their goals. With strategic planning and wise merging choices, players can make the most of this powerful item and enhance their gameplay experience in Travel Town.

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